What to Bring to a Picnic?


We love picnic season as it usually celebrates a change in season where we get outdoors and enjoy nature after what can seem like a never-ending winter.  Picnics are a great way to spend quality time with family and friends while eating great food!  There are so many outdoor spaces to host a picnic, but no matter where you plan your picnic it always helps to have a list of what to bring to get the most out of it.

What to Eat on a Picnic?

Since picnics can be a several hour event, you will want to consider bringing appetizers, the main meal and desserts.  Typically, cold dishes are preferred, not only due to contrasting from the warm weather, but it can be easier to keep food cold than warm on long trips or for longer events.  From an appetizer standpoint some favorite items include cheese & cracker trays, fruit bowls or veggie trays.  For main meals, mini sandwiches or pinwheels are great options for variety and ease of transport and then choose side dishes such as potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, and/or chips.  For dessert, think of easy finger food options such as cookies, French pastries or petite cakes.  Although cup cakes can be a summer favorite, they can be more difficult to transport successfully but one way around this is to transport them individually in cups with lids for stacking.  Of course, whatever you choose to eat on your picnic don’t forget the condiments.  If you are planning a larger picnic party with 30 or more we suggest you take a look at our picnic menu.

What Games to Bring to a Picnic?

If you are planning a picnic at the park or beach, bringing some games and activities can add additional enjoyment to your day.  Some favorites include cornhole, Frisbees, and ring toss.  A fun way to enjoy ring toss as night sets in is to use glow in the dark necklaces as your rings.  This is always a favorite on the 4th of July while waiting for fireworks to begin!  If your picnic is just for two, consider bringing a small travel mini game such as chess or checkers.

What Clothes to Bring to a Picnic?

You will want to be prepared for changes in the weather while on your picnic.  Make sure to bring hoodies or an extra blanket in case the temperature drops.  It can also be a good idea to bring rain ponchos that can keep not only you safe from the rain, but you can huddle your belongings underneath to keep them dry as well.

What Supplies to Bring to a Picnic?

Consider the below list of additional supplies to consider bringing on your picnic.

  • Bug Spray or Bug Repellant Candle
  • Picnic Blanket
  • Utensils Including Straws (consider metal versus plastic for a more eco friendly option)
  • Reusable Plates
  • Napkins & Wet Naps
  • Water to Rinse Plates and Utensils
  • Folding Chairs
  • Beverage Tumblers (versus plain cups to keep beverages cold)

We hope you enjoy your next picnic and think of Lee n Eddies if you need support in catering a larger picnic or outdoor event!

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